Kasich Launches New Non-Profit With Fellow Never-Trumpers, Announces Fifth Book

Former Gov. John Kasich has launched a new non-profit with several fellow never-Trumpers and is planning to release his fifth book amid endless speculation that he may make another run for the White House.

Almost immediately after leaving the Ohio Governor’s Residence, Kasich announced that he was joining CNN as a senior political commentator. Now he has launched a non-profit with several prominent Trump critics called “Two Paths America,” based on the title of his 2017 book “Two Paths: America Divided or United.”

“A dozen of America’s most prominent thought leaders have been named as members of a new National Advisory Committee for Two Paths America, helping to promote center-right solutions to some of the major issues facing our nation,” the non-profit’s website states.

Among those who have joined the effort are Bill Kristol, former editor-at-large of the now-defunct Weekly Standard, former California Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger, former Michigan Gov. Rick Snyder, and former New Jersey Gov. Christine Todd Whitman.

“Two Paths America is a non-profit 501(c)4 organization created to promote reasonable and proven solutions to America’s challenges,” the group’s website states. “Two Paths America is focused broadly on public policy that encourages a Balanced Budget Amendment to the United States Constitution, the need for a strong national defense rooted in America’s international leadership, a forward-looking national energy plan that meets current needs economically while developing renewable energy resources for the future, and a renewal of a national sense of community and exemplary citizenship.”

The website goes on to state that the organization will “provide infrastructure to support this agenda, including staff, list management, social media, public relations and educational events.”

Kasich also announced on Tuesday that he will be releasing his fifth book in the fall, titled “It’s Up To Us: Ten Little Ways We Can Bring About Big Change,” which will be published by Hanover Square Press.

“We are thrilled to be publishing ‘It’s Up To Us’ and look forward to sharing Governor Kasich’s hard-won experiences and life lessons to help Americans bridge the deep divide in this country,” Hanover Square Press Editorial Director Peter Joseph said in a press release, according to The Cleveland Plain Dealer.

“In these pages, we hope readers find the inspiration and guidance needed to help bring about the positive change we all want to see,” Joseph added.

The publishing company shared a brief excerpt from the forthcoming book, which it calls a “prescription for what ails America.”

“Fix things where you live, connect with other people, live a life bigger than yourself, and tell politicians what you expect out of them,” Kasich apparently writes in the book. “Throughout our history, it has been the voice and the demands of the people that have jump-started the movements that have brought about significant change in this country, including civil rights, women’s suffrage, ending the war in Vietnam, and growing environmental awareness.”

Kasich, who has yet to make a decision on running in 2020, announced the new book on Twitter this week.

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Anthony Gockowski is managing editor of Battleground State News, The Ohio Star, and The Minnesota Sun. Follow Anthony on Twitter. Email tips to [email protected].
Photo “John Kasich” by Marc Nozell. CC BY 2.0. Photo “It’s Up to US” by Amazon.











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